Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Somebody Owes Me a Door!

I was all set to go to my alcohol stove class that I mentioned in a previous post, even though I honestly had no desire to be out on the trail with one (I'll put my faith in my Pocket Rocket). I was just feeling the urge to build something, maybe even figure out (another) better way to build an alcohol stove. So, imagine my chagrin when, the day before the class, my confirmation still had not arrived; also, there was no charge on my credit card. Thinking maybe I had not been registered I held my breath and called IGO, only to find that the class had been canceled due to there not being enough participants. That's a downer...So, the year creeps steadily onward and I've gotten nowhere closer to doing (more) stuff outdoors. On a lighter note, I'm headed to Pittsburgh this weekend to visit my parents and return the Garcia I bought. Maybe I'll cheer myself up with some nice, new, expensive boots!

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