With nothing else to do on a Saturday night:( I decided to give some trail baking (in my kitchen) a try. Because my wife (mostly) loves me, she picked up some Betty Crocker Warm Delights from the grocery store. I've planned on having a celebratory dessert on the trail and was looking for something that I know I would enjoy. Well, thanks to Sarah over at
TrailCooking.com for posting her wonderful six part article on steam baking because I now definitely have my dessert! I used the
Warm Delight Minis and found that each pouch fills a
Wilton Silly Feet! silicone baking cup perfectly, so there

is no overflow as it cooks. Put enough water into your cookpot to cover the Silly Feet...um...feet and bring it to a boil. While the water heats up, put the required H2O (1 T + 1 Tsp) into the mix pouch and squish it thoroughly to mix. I put a thin layer of the mix into the baking cup and then put a Hershey's Kiss in the middle of it. I then just poured the rest of the mix on top of and around the Kiss. When the water boils, put the baking cup in the pot, turn the heat down to a simmer and cover the pot. I found that ten minutes makes for a cake-like brownie so you can adjust the time from there. When the time is up, pull out the bak

ing cup (CAREFULLY!), dump on the fudge packet if you desire and enjoy! And here's a tip: Check eBay for the Silly Feet!. I found a set of four for $.99 and $3.00 shipping.

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